Monday, 16 November 2015

Archeological and Written Monuments of Kangyuj State

Author: Professor Alexander Podushkin is the Director of the International Archaeological and Ethnological Centre in Shymkent, Kazakhstan. He is also a member of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The end of the early Iron Age in Kazakhstan was marked by appearing some large Normandy state units and empires on historical arena. From Chinese dynastic chronicles of Hann’s period we were able to find some names. They were tribes of syunnu (hunnu), yu-sunn (usunn) and Kantszyuj (Kangyuj).They all have left an essential trace in ancient history of Kazakhstan particularly in Kangyuj State.

“Kantszyuj“  is such an special reading of ancient Chinese hieroglyphs that means Kantszyuj State.  At the first time it was mentioned in the 2d century B.C. They were connected with “Historical Notes” written by Sym Tsyan who got data from official chronicles of the Senior Hann’s House (from the 2d century B.C. till the beginning A.B. )

At this time while ruling energetic emperor of Celestial U-di (140-87 B.C.) the active penetration of Chinese emissaries started into the West as it was called ‘Western Part”. The expansion into the West had two purposes such as discovery of trade advanced post and establishment of economic relations with unknown countries of Middle Asia, Asia Minor and European countries, and also strengthening of political and military influence in this important region. It made weaker the power of opponents, syunnus, living in Middle Empire. The last ones were deprived of abilities to be involved in international trade. In China such policy was named as “ to cut syunnu’s right hand”.

It is noticed that systematic penetration of Hanns into the West when caravans stretched as a chain called by Sym Tsyan as “one was following by another” brought them success. On the one hand diplomatic and trade relations with Europe appeared and there was such a phenomenon as ‘The Silk Way” based a centuries-old social-economic and cultural connection between civilizations of the East and the West. On the other hand, Chinese really secured the western part of China and created military fort posts and regions ruled by governor-general along “The Silk Way”. They made syunnus weaker but were not able to defeat the last. The discovery and the first mention of Kantszyuj (Kangyuj) State in the chronicles have the direct relation to the described events.

While ruling Celestial U-di, synnus “…were defeated but were not subjugated, and “Hann’s House thought about means of synnus’ defeating”. In order to throw down synnus they needed allies. They chose the biggest normadic unity  Da-yuedgi (which means “The Great Yuedgi”). Synnus forced the last back from Central Asia far into the North-West, into Central Asia and Fergan valley. In short, both China and  Da-yuedgi had the base “…for combined attack of synnus”. In 138 B.C. the Chinese official and diplomat, Chzhan Tsyan, was a person who tried to conclude a military treaty and was sent with a big caravan from Celestial into the Western Part. But due to some circumstances he was not able to conclude this treaty and had to come back to Celestial in the 125 B.C.

The key purpose of 13-years diplomatic mission of Chzhan Tsyan was not achieved, but its historical and cultural meaning was great. Having visited some unknown states (Davan-Fergana, U-sunn – Semirechye, Da-yuedgi – Baktriya, Amudariya – Syrdariya, Dahya) personally Chzhan Tsyan was the first who informed us about the states. The information was very valued such as allocation, natural conditions, social arrangement, nation ethnical belonging, main business, ceremonies and traditions, a number of people in the army and etc. The importance of the data for historians, archaeologists, pole linguists increases with realizing the fact that for such regions as “Central Asia, The South of Kazakhstan and Semirechje from the 3d century B.C till the 4th century B.C.” the Chinese sources are the most detailed, authentic and maybe single ones nowadays.

By the way, the written sources about Kangyuj from the Chinese dynastic chronics in comparison with data about other states of Central and Middle Asia in the 2d century B.C.  till the 4th B.C. (syannu, u-sun, da-yuan and etc.) are not vivid and less detailed. They were taken form the following three key sources:

– Chronicles of Hanns’ Senior Dynasty (Tsyahan-shu: section “The Narration about the Western Part”, chapter 95; composed by historian, Ban-Gu, finished in the 27 A.C).;

– Chronicles of Hanns’ Junior Dynasty (Houhan-shu: section “The Narration about the Western Part”, chapter 118; composed by historian, Fan-E, in 398-445);

– “Historical Notes” of Chinese historian Sym-Tsyan in the 135-67 B.C. (chapter “The Narration about Da-yuyan, chapter 123).

It should be noted that Russian people were able to know these unique data about states of Central Asia from the Chinese sources mentioned above due to translations of the famous Russian sinologist and orientalist, Bichurin Nikita Yakovlevich, (who lived from 1777 till 1853. While being a monk he was called Father Iakinph).

The most detailed information about Kangyuj is performed in Tsyanhan-shu which is one of the main mentioned Chinese texts. Let’s take some data, selected and original (as it was said by N. Bichurin)

“Kangyuj ruler lives in the country, Loyuenii, in the city, Bityan, which is situated 12 300 Lii further from Chan-an. It does not depend on a governor-general. Loyuenii is in 7 days from a summer placement. The territory is 9 104 Lii. The popularity consists of 120 000 families, 600 000 people; the line unit consists of 120 000 people. There are 5 500 Lii to the west till the governor-general property. It was the same as Senior Yuedgi had. Kangyuj was bent to Hunny in the East.

Yantsai is situated in 2000 Lii into the  North-West from Kangyuj. Its army has 100 000 solders. As a rule it is the same as Kangyuj’s. Yantsai adjoins the Great Lake  having the sloping banks. That is the northern lake.

Kangyuj includes five governor-generals. They are: the 1st is Susei owner who has possessions in Susei that is in 5 576 Lii from the governor-general’s placement and in 8025 Lii from Yan-guan.

The 2d is Fumu owner who has possessions in Fumu that is in 5 767 Lii from the governor-general’s placement and in 8025 Lii from Yan-guan.

The 3d is Yuni owner who has possessions in Yuni that is in 5266 Lii from the governor-general’s placement and in 7255 Lii from Yan-guan.

Еhe 4th is Gee owner who has possessions in Gee that is in 6 296 Lii from the governor-general’s placement and in 8555 Lii from Yan-guan.

The 5th  is Yuegyan owner who has possessions in Yuegyan that is in 6906 Lii from the governor-general’s placement and in 8355 Lii from Yan-guan.

All mentioned five governor-generals depend on Kangyuj”.

So non-detailed data about Kangyuj taken from Chinese sources could hardly give researchers any basement to make any historical-cultural or other conclusions. Quite the contrary, they give the base for different free interpretations which complicate the explanation of historical events happened in this state. We can say the same about written sources though some landmarks were left, nevertheless.

At the first time Kantszyuj (Kangyuj) was mentioned and described in chronicles as a strong state having different relations with neighboring states (Usun, Davan, Sunnu), and also with Celestial in the 2d century B.C.(a mission of the grand duke, Chzhan Tsyan, 138-125 B.C.).Later Kangyuj was mentioned in Hann-Van war which broke out in 104-102 B.C. Its cause was well-known Davan “sweat blood horses”(argamaks).The Son of the Sky (The Chinese Imperator) wanted to be their owner. This war was ended after serious attacks of Hanns and the siege of Ershy which was the capital of Kangyuj. Hanns were winners. The possession of “sweat blood horses” and the punishment of the ruler, YU, made Chinese be satisfied. The head of the ruler, YU, was cut. He organized the smash of Chinese embassy in 104 B.C. and frankly speaking it was a cause to start a war.

Kangyuj army was not involved in that war. It tried to save a neutral position just as a weapon for restrain: “Kangyuj  detachment just observed Chinese army . As far as the last was so huge Kangyuj army was not able to attack’.(Shytsy, “The Narration about Davan”).

In 36 B.C. being in union with Chinese Kangyuj people defeated Tallass ,the northern-syunnu Chzhichzhi-Shaniyuya. But before Kangyuj people and the northern-sysnnu Chzhichzhi -Shaniyuya were allies. They supported their relations by the marriage between dynasties and joint use of land. As known “destruction’ was ended by full defeat of Chzhichzhi. A new well-fortified capital of the northern syunnus near the river, Talass was captured by the allies’ army during the siege. Shaniyuj was captivated and punished together with other 1500 nearest relatives.

In the 80th of the 1st century A.C. Kangyuj is mentioned in the description of events connected with the suppression of recalcitrant governors of Kashgar by Han in the eastern part of Turkistan. Han’s leader was a governor of the western part of Ban Chao. At first Kangyuj people were Hann ‘s allies but later they decided to support the ruler of Sule (that is Kashgar) though at the end their army had to leave the eastern part of Turkistan.

In the 3d to the 4th century A.C. in the written chronicles there was little notice about Kangyuj as a strong state. It meant that the flourishing of Kangyuj was finished. As an indirect proof was the appearance of some new local possessions (states, allies, trades) which were mentioned about in Chinese chronicles. There were connections between Kangyuj and them trough territory, history and dynasties. For example, There were definite descriptions of these possessions in “Beishy”, or “The History of the Northern Yards” (chapter 97) and in “The Narration about the Western Part”. They were the following:

“Kan. Kan House is a branch of Kangyuj House”; “Mii. This is an ancient name of Kangyuj land”; “Shy was the former name of land”; ”Tsao is an ancient name of Kangyuj land”; “Hae an ancient name of Kangyuj land”.

That’s all what we could find in the chronicles about Kangyuj State. We can add only that Kangyuj State stopped to exist in the 4th century A.C. It was not able to bear the attacks of ephtalits (in other words they were “white syunnu”).

Thus, we can say that Kangyuj (Kantszyuj State) had its own territory (Loyueni), the main ruling center that is governor’s headquarters (Bityan) and five local possessions ruled by apanage princes who had their own houses in cities. Those five possessions were included in Kangyuj State as administrative areas. They formed the core of Kangyuj (acc to territory) which was constantly controlled by the governor. To all appearances this core was permanent fixed and compact acc to borders in comparison with other regions ruled by Kangyuj in different historical periods. Taking into consideration the fact that the governors of small possessions and their placement depended on the state governor we can suppose that the rules or governors of local areas (oasises) could be appointed as apanage princes (Syao-van, hee-heu. Phu-van; “the assistant of the prince is the same as the little prince”).

Starting with the 60th of the 20th century it has become clear that written chronicles exhausted themselves both as sources of getting answers for all interested questions about Kangyuj and the existent interpretations of historical events happened in this state. The archeological sources are the most important point for solving this problem.

B.А. Litvinslii formulated clearly the priority of archeological materials acc to the research of Kangyuj State: “…while researching Kangyuj State it is not impossible to be limited taken written chronicles and language data as a base. But it is necessary to research it being in touch with archeological material and taking into account a real historical-geographical position of Old Middle Asia”.

In the 40-60th of the 20th century Archeological-ethnological expedition on the investigation of the Earliest Monuments of Old Harezm (the leader was S.P.Tolstoi) and also investigations of Middle Syrdariya earliest monuments in the South of Kazakhstan (the leader was А.N. Bernshtam) became the material allowed researchers to relate it to Kangyuj State culture. Nevertheless, the published works of mentioned leaders who were founders of archeology in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan did not bring any clarity in so called Kangyuj problem which was connected with territory of Kangyuj state and its five possessions. The data was contradictory. Besides, these two scientists’ views according to Kangyuj State placement were diametrically opposed and contradicted to each other thus it made the situation more complicated.

In short, Kangyuj problem which appeared in works of N.Ya. Bichurin at the 1st time (the 19 century) is still in the center of scientists’ attention who are interested in history of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan. The contradictory point in works of  S.P.Tolstoi and А.N. Bernshtam was placement of Kangyuj State near two rivers Amu-Dariya and Syr-Dariya.

But scientists of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan accept Bernshtam ‘s view. He and earlier V.V. Bertold considered that Kangyuj State place along the river, Syr-Dariya (“Kangyuj location was spread from Syr-Dariya till Illi”). Nowadays scientists do not doubt any more in Kangyuj State placement. The most part of the scientists consider that Kangyuj State is situated on the territory of  Middle Syr-Dariya (Chach included), the basin of the river, Arys, in mountains Karatau and Karjantau  till Talas valley.

The most valuable thing in researching  of Kangyuj material culture is of many years standing investigation of eerily monuments in the South of Kazakhstan in the 70th and 80th of the 20th century. Archeological works made on the territory of “Middle Syr-Dariya, Mountains Karatau and Karjantau during last 40 years gave an opportunity to depict Arys archeological culture as a phenomenon with a steady system of materials. It was done on the base of early monuments in the South of Kazakhstan during the 4th to the 6th centuries A.C.

Nowadays scientists have a general idea about monuments of this culture (natural habitant and typology), about periods and chronology of Arys culture, about specific signs of the culture such as art facts (ceramics, weapons and harness, everyday-used and religious things, etc.). at last about view of Arys culture of the South Kazakhstan. The was found ethnic  similarity Arys culture with Kangyuj trades (Kangha in Avesim sources, Kantszyuj in Chinese sources and Kangu-Tarban in Turkish sources). It was possible to define that Kangyuj was poly-ethnic. There were Saki, Sarmat and Kangyuj.

Besides, materials of Arys culture allow to “look at” Kangyuj little possessions and a capital (Bityan) placement. The most interesting fact is the existence of the fortified region on the territory of Aryss- Badam oasis. This region includes some big sites of ancient settlements (Zhuantobe, Karaspantobе, Tuleiajtobe,Kultobe), a number of villages, burial grounds and large pastures which were in the middle between a “long” wall and two river-beds, Arys and Badam.

The given fortified region could be an independent political-administrative unit due to its strategic placement (the center of the oasis), dimensions and objects’ fortification. Thus, exactly this region and the site of ancient settlement, Karaspantobe, were a city-headquarters of the Kantszyuj governor of Bityan.

The most specific artefacts of Aryss culture in the South of Kazakhstan in the 4th century B.C. to the 6th century A.C. are two archeological findings. The 1st one was connected with finding a burial of consequential syunnu in the barrow of the 3d  Kultobe burial ground. There were a lot of things such as weapons, complicated bow, a set of iron arrow-heads, everyday-used things, and ceramics. There was also a wonderful decorative buckle of the set belt made from a horn of an Indian rhinoceros. It was decorated by golden and silver ‘tacks” and covered by semi-precious stones in the form of a peculiar decorative composition.

The find of this art fact confirms the information given in written sources. They give some detailed description of syunnu clothes and the set belts. For example, Sym-Tsyan wrote the following information in “Shitszhy”: in 174 B.C. Shaniyuj got  “…a worn (that is personally worn by imperator) decorated lined caftan, a long brocade caftan, a golden halo for hair, a belt decorated with gold, and a rhinoceros buckle decorated with gold, 10 pieces of decorated silk cloth…’ as a gift from a Chinese imperator.

It follows from the information above that among presented things to Shaniyuj were the a set belt and the rhinoceros buckle. Such things were possibly made by Hann skilled handcrafts according to syunnu traditions and presented as “a gift” for peace in the northern part bordered on Celestial. Thus, we can say about rare identity of archeological art fact with written sources. It was also the proof of syunnus’ placement on the territory of the South of Kazakhstan.

The 2d archeological finding was connected with the site of ancient settlement, Kultobe. That was an ancient literature having no analogues on its character and polygraphy in the South of Kazakhstan.

Nowadays scientists have 10 fragments and two practically full texts written on the ceramics brick-tables with 315 full or partly painted signs in the form of 43 “lines”. All fragments are identical to each other due to the manner of writing (pressing, cutting on the wet clay) and polygraphy (the same signs are well seen). It means that it is one and the same literature though handwriting, size and the peculiar time of writing are different.

The following prior conclusions were made due to literature:

The hand-writing is made on the clay (ceramics) brick-tables of wrong right-angled form.

The sign were cut on wet clay before baking, and then brick were dried little. Before baking the front part was lined in the form of linear lines and covered with light (white) ангобы. They were done both by the tools in the form of sticks made from wood (bones) with a sharp top of different diameters and by a finger.

Signs were in lines and logically: from fight into left and from up into down. There were stops both at the end of the line and between groups of signs. The manner of writing with a stable hand, different “hand-writings” and size of signs, number of copies are evidence of the fact that this literature was made by professionals and practiced for a long time.

The size of brick-tables and material (that is ceramics) was destined for saving. There other interpretations. They think that such brick-tables are texts dedicated to a historical or social-economical events (such as the city building, large irrigational works). Maybe these texts are epitaphs dedicated to a governor of high rank.

According to the researchers’ decisions made on polygraphy analysis the ancient Kultobe

literature is alphabetic-lettered, lined and created on the base of the Aramaic language. Maybe, it was written on one of the ancient languages (dialects) of the eastern Iranian origin. The found literature is a new type named as Kangyuj and used in Kangha-Kantszyuj- Kangyuj. There are valuable signs to connect this literature with appearance of Kangyuj trades as far as the main Aryss art facts are related to this state.

It was possible to decode Kultobe literature due to scientists fro France (that was  prof., archeologist, France Grenet) and the UK (prof., linguist, Nicolas Sims-Williams). Kultobe literature began “to speak”. It was one of the ancient Iranian dialects. But there were fixed some linguistic archaisms (in the form of new Aramaic oral ideograms).

The following results can be done after interpretation and reading Kultobe literature:

Kultobe literature is one of the earliest texts known to a science and written on the ancient sogdian language (or an archaic sogdian language)in Central Asia. The scientists consider that Kultobe literature is related to the beginning (first decade) of the 3d century A.C. . It is much more ancient that so called “Old Letters” (313-314s A.C.)

Secondly, having read them at the first time it was known that Kultobe texts contain unique information about politics, social and cultural life on the big territory of Central Asia in the 1st century A.C. …. In Kazakhstan texts there are names of regions and states of Middle (Central) Asia of the 1st century A.C. (Chach, Samarkand, Bukhara, Nahsheb, Kesh); big city centers (possessions), ancient governors’ names and ranks (military ranks included); social terms(“people of tents); state terms(“Treasury”, “jewellery”, social works”); terms connected with dynasty and relatives (“a son”-“a father”); connective words; historical events happened in a region and actions made by local governors (related to the forming of cities centers).

There is no need to say about importance and value of Kultobe texts for people of history, ethnologists, linguists, archaeologists and culturologists of Middle (Central) Asia and Kazakhstan who investigate history of the given regions of the 1st century A.C. in origin. The Kultobe texts in full version will help not only to increase, to make deeper and to clarify  some facts from history of some regions and ancient states of Middle (Central) Asia and Kazakhstan in the 1st century A.C. (Kangyuj, Chach, Sogd, Horesm, Kushan State) but change or even “rewrite” them in other variant.

Nowadays searching and investigation of Kultobe literature in big research centers of the UK, France and Russia is the most important discovery of the world meaning. Its historical, cultural and social value is high not only in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Kultobe texts are like archives and can be the base for the following conclusion: ancient literature appeared and were practiced only in big developed cities which have functions of main political and administrative centers of states.

It is also necessary to notice that Kultobe literature was included in the World Fond of ancient writing. Its finding became the sensation of the century.

Finishing description of history and archaeology of Kangyuj State, let’s depict the following facts one more time: the existed information allows us to say with sure that “the heart” of this state was the river-bed, Arys, and Otrar oasis. Its possessions on the borders were stretched to Shasha (Tashkent) in the South, to Alaniya (the low part of Syr-Dariya) in the North; to the valley of the river, Чу, in the East and to Middle-Asian city-centers (Bukhara) in the West.

It is also known that Kangyuj State was a confederation of nomadic and agricultural tribes, where nomads represented political authority but agricultural canters were economic power of the state. Written and archaeological data perform Kangyuj State as pole-ethnics state which included such ethnic groups as Sakis, Asian Sarmats, Syunnus and possibly Da-yuedgis and Alans.

The social build of Kangyuj can be treated as tribes here patriarchal traditions were strong. Kangyuj people were like European. Kangyuj people spoke one of the dialects of the Eastern-Iranian language. They knew and practiced literature based on the Aramaic language.

Kangyuj State is a big state and tribes union existed on the territory of Kazakhstan from the 2d century B.C. to the 4th century A.C. It is related to the history of Kazakh people and other nations living in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

The most part of this state’s history which numbers 600 years is still not researched. That’s why in Kazakhstan the following state program “Cultural Heritage” was approved. This program pays great attention to investigation of Kangyuj State monuments. So, for example, the State museum of Kazakhstan carries out the complex research program “Archaeological and Written monuments of Kantszyuj (Kangyuj) from the 2d century B.C. to the 4th century A.C.”. Its first results impress us and give the basis for new investigations in history, culture and art of one of the most powerful ancient states on the territory of our Republic that is Kangyuj.

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